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Tutor Information
Progress Mentor Information
All students will receive mentoring at least once a fortnight with an experienced sixth form tutor.
This ensures all students are supported and challenged based on their individual needs.
The sixth form office runs an open door policy – Mrs Gedge is always available to answer any questions you might have.
The current sixth form tutor team is outlined below. To send an email directly to any of the form tutors, please use the following addresses.
Head of Sixth Form, Mr A White
Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Mrs A Spindler
Student Support Leader, Mrs Gedge
Form Tutors
13A: Jen Randall: jenrandall@kesacademy.org.uk
13B: Jo White: jowhite@kesacademy.org.uk
13C: Lili Hadjou: lilihadjou@kesacademy.org.uk
13D: Amy Altunok: amyaltunok@kesacademy.org.uk
12A: Jody Walters: jodywalters@kesacademy.org.uk
12B: Mandy Price: mandyprice@kesacademy.org.uk
12C: Jonathan Rahamim: jonathanrahamim@kesacademy.org.uk
12D: Ben Skipper: benskipper@kesacademy.org.uk