Exam & Key Stage Results

Our academy has been on a positive journey for the past few years and this trajectory continues to be reflected in our exam results. 

"I am so proud of our students. In a year when nationally we are seeing results move in line with pre-pandemic figures, KES Academy continues to see results rise."

We are committed to ensuring that every student that attends King Edward VII Academy attains the knowledge, skills, and qualifications to enable them to access the next stage of their life journey, with the confidence to succeed whatever their goals.  Their academic achievements will be complemented by a rich variety of extra-curricular opportunities, many of these provided through our House system. 


Our 2024 GCSE results saw our students achieve 56% of grades 4 or above, and 39% of grades 5 or above. 

GCSE Performance Measure Score
Progress 8 Score  -0.35
Attainment 8 Score  39.5
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths 39%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths 56%
Students entering for EBacc 76%
EBacc average point score  3.67


A-Level Performance Measure 2024 Score
Average Points Score  27.50
Average Grade C-
Value Added Score -0.07
% Achieved A*-A Grades 11%
% Achieved A*-B Grades 30%
% Achieved A*-C Grades 65%

Further details can be found on the Government's performance tables website:

View our Performance Tables

School and College Performance Measures Website