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- The Sixth Form Day
The Sixth Form Day
The typical sixth form day runs from 8.30am to 4.00pm and includes six 1-hour lessons, form time, lunch and a break.
You will receive your timetable when you start with us. You will also need to study independently for each subject, which will include completing work that is set, reading through and revising from your notes, or doing further reading. For each subject, you can expect to do up to five hours of independent study a week, although this will of course vary. At KES Sixth Form, there are several areas for quiet study or if your timetable for the day doesn't include lesson time, you are welcome to leave site to revise at home.
The Sixth Form Day
Dress code
It is important to maintain high standards of personal appearance; the Sixth Form is a place of study and work and the dress code reflects that. â
The general principle is that all students should wear an appropriate smart dress for school. â
For example, smart jeans or tailored shorts with a smart T-shirt and smart trainers are acceptable; tracksuit bottoms are not acceptableâ
Students taking part in the Sport and Physical Activity course should wear either KESA of KLTFC branded tops and may wear any appropriate tracksuit bottoms or shorts. These can be ordered using the link below:
On match days the Football Academy are expected to wear smart trousers, a shirt and tie. â
There are certain clothing rules based on the health and safety requirements of the school. The following items should not be worn:â
- Flip flopsâ
- Shoes with a very high heel, or with an open toeâ
- Cropped tops, low-cut tops, or short skirts and short shortsâ
- Most jewellery is considered acceptable; however, students may be required to remove items if an excessive amount of jewellery is worn. Facial piercing should be kept to a minimum. â
It is the right of senior members of staff at the school to determine whether a particular item of dress is appropriate for the sixth form or not. â
Students who arrive at the Academy inappropriately dressed may be asked to go home and change, particularly if it is a repeat offence.