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School Culture, Rewards and Behaviour
Culture and Rewards
At KES Academy we aim to develop responsible, respectful and resilient pupils who will take these skills into later life and the wider community. We have high standards because we care. We want all pupils at KES to achieve their best in a positive and distraction free environment. Pupils live and breathe our school values built on a strong foundation of genuine mutual respect.
KES staff will interact with pupils in the corridor, at the start of lessons and during social times, modelling politeness and manners at every turn. We expect that this is reciprocated by pupils so that they develop as responsible and respectful young adults.
At KES we have a system to reward good behaviour and a positive attitude to learning. Each lesson is an opportunity for pupils to receive House Points and Golden Tickets. Other rewards may include:
- Applause on the Doors
- The Kings Award
- KES Appreciation
- Verbal praise, phone calls home, emails home
- Amazon Vouchers
- Golden Ticket prizes
The KES House system is the foundation of the school and built around the ethos of genuine mutual respect. Pupils and staff are expected to ‘live the values’. These included:
Respect, Honesty, Passion, Empathy, Self Belief, Determination, Teamwork and Creativity
Hundreds of pupils participate in house events each week, such as:
Gaming, Bake Off, Badminton, Chess, Basketball, Arts & Crafts.
At KES Academy every pupil is given the opportunity to have a ‘moment’ through recognising and celebrating pupil's achievements. We are proud of pupils who receive a Golden Ticket and/or Applause on the Doors, and demonstrate this with a KES Appreciation which is embedded within the culture of the school.
At KES Academy, we expect pupils to look smart in their appearance and wear their uniform with pride. Pupils must always conduct themselves professionally. Please see the uniform policy for specific items.
Behaviour for Learning
At KES Academy we have high expectations for pupils and encourage them to make every second count and every minute matter.
Good order in the classroom is essential in a school if children are to be able to fulfil their learning potential. We are very clear with pupils that disruption in lessons is not acceptable. Pupils who disturb a lesson are preventing others from learning. On the rare occasions where pupils choose to disrupt learning, they receive a consistent and clear consequence. This may be a reminder or removal from the lesson.
Removal from a lesson will result in a lunchtime detention. Lunchtime detentions are to be completed the following day. If a pupil has two lesson removals in one day, they will spend the remainder of the day in isolation with an extended day of 30 mins after school. Other behaviours that will lead to a detention are:
- Removal from dismissal
- Chewing gum
- Late to school
- Any breach of behaviour policy deemed to warrant a detention and determined by HOY/SLT
If a pupil misses or fails their lunchtime detention, they will be expected to complete a one-hour Principals' Detention that same day. Principal Detentions are after school. If they miss the one-hour Principals Detention, they will be expected to complete a day in Internal Suspension the following day (with an extended day of one hour to reflect the missed Principals Detention).
Serious incidents or persistent breaches of the school rules could lead to more serious consequences such internal suspension, external suspensions or permanent exclusion. If a pupil refuses to complete internal suspension, they will be expected to complete it when they return to school.
Pupils are expected to conduct themselves professionally around the site and outside of school. Poor behaviour during social time and in the community will result in a consequence determined by HOY/SLT in proportion to the behaviour displayed. Pupils must aim to represent KES Academy with high regard and never bring the school into disrepute.
Lateness. Our school motto ‘Crescat In Horas Doctrina’ (Let the learning grow in hours). Pupils must take responsibility for their learning which requires them to be punctual to school and lessons. Individual lateness will result in a lunchtime detention, and repeated lateness will be escalated to higher sanctions.
Mobiles phones and smart watches – Pupils are reminded each morning to switch their phones off and place them in their bags. If a phone is seen or heard it is confiscated until the end of their day on the last day of the week.
Jewellery – Pupils are allowed one pair of stud earrings. Pupils are reminded each morning to remove all other forms of jewellery. If it is seen, then it is confiscated until the end of their day on the last day of the week. If a pupils refuses to hand in their phone/jewellery, they will remain in Internal Suspension until the item is handed in, to safeguard them and others'
Trips, non-sporting events and school fixtures
School trips and visits increase pupils’ experiences and cultural capital, affording them opportunities to visit new places and try new activities that they would possibly not normally have access to.
These opportunities are a privilege, as is representing the school in an offsite event or sports fixture. Pupils who do not demonstrate our school values or have poor attendance (unless there are exceptional circumstances) may be removed from taking part in school trips banned from representing the school at non-sporting events and sports fixtures.
When a pupil is on a school trip or visit, the pupil is representing the school and themselves. To ensure that these experiences are positive for all, pupils are required to follow our school expectations and Behaviour Policy on all visits and trips.
KES Academy reserves the right to remove a pupil from a trip/fixture, at any stage, if the Principal feels it necessary to do so.