Special Educational Needs

The Department

We strive to provide a high-quality provision for all learners. We work towards providing a provision which not only supports students to meet their educational goals but also assists them to develop the skills necessary to make a successful transition into adulthood.

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) - Charlie Baxter - senco@kesacademy.org.uk
Three Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs)
A large group of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs)

We have a dynamic team of staff with experience of working within a wide range of sectors including healthcare, careers and recruitment, retail, hospitality, education and emotional well-being.

What we do

We arrange the educational provision for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This means supporting any students in need of an educational provision that is additional to or different from high-quality teaching that is differentiated to the needs of the majority of students. This is a special educational provision under Section 21 of the Childrens and Family Act 2014.

Our provision adheres to the SEN Code of Practice and is based on these key features:

  • Involving parents, students in decision making
  • Working in partnership with a range of services
  • High quality teaching to meet the needs of all students both with and without SEND
  • Increased participation of the student
  • Preparing students for adulthood.

Examination Arrangements

Students with additional needs may be entitled to special dispensations when taking examinations depending on assessment results. For a variety of reasons some students may require alternative accommodation for their examinations. This may include a reader, scribe, additional time or access to technology to complete examinations.

SEND Information Report for King Edward VII Academy

SEND Information Report 

SEND Policy