Guest Speaker at KES Academy Inspires Future Engineers
King Edward VII Academy would like to thank Ben Stocks, Group Chief Executive of Porvair for inspiring the secondary school's engineering students. They were engaged in a fascinating talk on how, after a plane crashed into the ocean, all parts were collected from the sea floor and pieced back together by engineers to work out what went wrong, and then how they solved the problem to make air travel even safer.
Ben also talked about how to decide your future career path, areas of Engineering and Science that are going to be even more vital in the future, and qualities employers look for in their employees.
Students asked some excellent questions including finding out how Ben got to where he was today, what it would be like working as an Engineer for Porvair, and how the company was affected during COVID. Ben gave some excellent answers which gave a real insight into what it is like being in his position and starting off as an Engineer.
Year 10 student, Olivia F said:
“I loved hearing about how planes work and what goes in to making them safe”.
“It was fascinating to hear examples of how engineers solve real-life problems”.