King Edward VII Academy Sixth Form Celebrates A-Level Results
King Edward VII Academy Sixth Form is celebrating a great set of A-Level results with 70% of all grades at A*-C. The sixth form is delighted to have achieved another year of Level 3 success, including 100% pass rate in the Cambridge Technical Sport & Physical Activity course with Hayden Lambert achieving a triple Distinction*, and Ben Isaacson, Charlie Royle and Ethan Wilson who have signed professional football contracts.
These results mean that this is the fifth successive year that 100% of students achieved a place at university, an apprenticeship or full-time employment.
Sarah Hartshorn, Principal at King Edward VII Academy said:
“What an incredible achievement by our Year 13s! It’s been quite a year for our 2022-23 cohort, with Oxbridge university offers, eight semi-professional football contracts signed, and another consecutive year of 100% of our students going on to further education, apprenticeships, or employment.
No matter what our graduates’ futures hold, once you are a student at King Edward VII Academy, you are a part of our community for life. We can’t wait to see what they will go on to achieve.”
Each year, an exceptional student from King Edward VII Academy is selected for the prestigious Gold Medal Award received from the King in an in-person awards ceremony. King Edward VII Academy is delighted to announce this year’s winner as Alina Ahsan.
Alina has excelled during her time at King Edward VII Academy, showing dedication to her studies as well as being a support for her peers, attributes that make her truly deserving of the award from His Majesty. Alina’s academic ability and excellent work ethic is outstanding and has led to her achieving A*AA grades. Alina’s passion for the sciences is ingrained in her daily life, and aspirations for the future.
Alina will continue to follow her love of science as she seeks to pursue a career as a doctor, having achieved a place at Oxford university to study medicine.
Alina said:
“At this serendipitous, wonderous occasion of securing admission at the prestigious University of Oxford to study medicine, I would like to express my eternal gratitude to my mother for her unwavering support and to my Geography teacher, Mr Hogger.
Above all, I will remain forever grateful to KES for having marvellous pastoral support and a nurturing and academically enriching, intellectually stimulating environment.”
Alistair White, Head of Sixth Form said:
“We are incredibly proud of our Year 13 students. We all become incredibly invested in every student’s future and we understand first-hand how hard they have worked to get where they are today.
I am delighted for our Royal Gold Medal winner, Alina Ashan, who has fulfilled her dream of studying medicine at Oxford and am equally pleased that we have once again supported each one of our students in achieving their next step. We wish them all the very best for the future - we can’t wait to see what it holds for them!”
Other individual successes include Samanta Springe (A* A B) who is going on to study Creative Writing at Manchester University, Scarlett Martin (Double Distinction*, B) who will be studying English at Nottingham University, Ryan Bunton (AAB) who will be studying Economics at Leeds University, Kamile Orlovaite (A*AC) who will be studying Japanese Studies and History at Sheffield University, Hubert Pikula (AABC) who will be studying Mechanical Engineering at Warwick University and Hayden Lambert (Triple Distinction*) who will be studying Sport and Exercise Science at Loughborough College while playing for King’s Lynn Town Football Club’s Under 23 team.
KES Sixth Form student, Samanta Springe who achieved A*, A, B said:
“I look back on the seven years I spent at KES with fondness and nostalgia – all of my work and the various experiences I have enjoyed here have blossomed into the happiness and pride I feel as my dream to pursue Creative Writing is fulfilled. KES has witnessed and nurtured my growth as a person in ways beyond just education – particularly the support of Mrs Spindler, whose passion has helped me to keep working and achieve my goals, my gratitude is immeasurable.”
Hayden Lambert, who has achieved the first Triple Distinction* for Sports Science at KES Sixth Form said:
"I really enjoyed the Sports Science course at KES Sixth Form, as it has prepared me to study Sports and Exercise Science at university, and it had a good mix of practical and written work. The teachers were very helpful and were always ready to answer any questions. I would recommend the Sports Science course to anyone who is interested in sport and to the people looking to be involved in the Kings Lynn Town FC setup that the sixth form offers.”
Scarlett Martin, Year 13 student at KES Sixth Form said:
“I have really enjoyed my time at KES sixth form. The staff were very caring and always provided extra support to students when needed. Thank you for believing in us!”
Ryan Bunton, Year 13 student at KES Sixth Form said:
“I’m really happy about my results. Considering how much of a difficult year I think it’s been for everyone, I think everyone has done really amazing. I’m really looking forward to starting my life at Leeds University in September.”
Kamilė Orlovaite, will be studying History at the University of Cambridge's Peterhouse college. Kamilė is an outstanding student both in terms of her academic ability, work ethic and thirst for learning. She combines this with a selfless attitude and patience, caring for her family and when taking numerous opportunities to support others both within the sixth form and lower school. She said:
"It is a surreal feeling but I'm super excited to start this new chapter in my life, pursuing my passion for the study of history. I hope studying at Cambridge will help me achieve my greatest aspiration of dedicating my time to researching, writing and presenting the overlooked history of Eastern Europe within broader discussions of European history.
I'd like to specifically thank KES' amazing sixth form staff who have consistently gone above and beyond to support me academically and pastorally - having people believe in you is something that will always make a difference!"
King Edward VII Academy Sixth Form will be hosting their annual Open Day on Tuesday 3rd October from 6pm to 8pm and encourage those interested in applying for the sixth form to attend for a tour of its magnificent building and state-of-the-art facilities, and speak to current students, teachers, and the Principal.